


4 projects toward 2024

This video shows four major landscape plans currently underway during the period 2020 to 2024. It presents the transition of ideas over time and the creative process at the interface of space and time. While each design proposal differs from the actual completed project, we hope the energy put into the initial rough design, from basic conception to actual design, will guide you in viewing the completed landscape.

Miami Garden / Florida, USA
Nishiji-en / Chiba, JP
HPS Landscape / London, UK
Isahaya Goshinen / Nagasaki, JP


Miami Garden / フロリダ 米国
西治園 / 千葉
HPS Landscape / ロンドン 英国
諫早神社 御神苑 / 長崎





Invisible One

A proposal for slicing matter at angles to observe what is unseen. An act of probing for the vital core inside stones—seeds of fruits, or yolks of eggs.

見えないものを見るために物質をある角度で切ることへの提案。石の中にも果実の種子、卵の黄身のような生命力を持つコア (核) を探す行為。



Endless Root

The totem-pole-like column “Endless Root” is an objet d’art abstracting the growth of a tree. The ground elevation changes the appearance of the trunk and root. Each tier also resembles a moai-esque human face.

トーテムポール的なコルム「エンドレス ルート」は樹木の成長を抽象化したオブジェ。地面のレベルによって幹と根っこの見立てが変わる。また、その一層はモアイ像のような人面にも見える。




Sitting Bird

A piece depicting a bird sitting like a person. Made of iron, stainless steel, or other metals, it is shaped by making incisions into and folding a single plate. The dogleg is angled at 70 degrees, and the attached stone cut into a V is angled at 130 degrees. Possible specifications include the installation of lighting equipment.





Bird Bars  A place of respite for migratory birds.

座鳥の柵  ワタリドリの休息。




A Bird’s Respite

A depiction of birds resting in a garden. Such an environment is neatly portrayed in a minimalistic outdoor objet with various materials. Alternatively, the objet may serve as a way to expand upon such a small garden to a landscape.







An objet like “Endless Root” expanded, made to resemble an arrow. Made of concrete, iron, stainless steel, or other metals. Stands 1.38 meters tall, with the pedestal made of the same material.


「エンドレス ルート」の一層を引き伸ばし、矢に見立てたオブジェ。素材はコンクリート又は鉄、ステンレス等の金属類。高さは 1.38メートル、基礎の台座と同素材一体型に作る。




Volley of Arrows

A series of arrows loosed to fence and shield landscaping stones.






Roofed Fences

A design in which a roof appears to descend seamlessly into a fence. Materials include burnt cedar boards, wooden pillars, concrete, and metals. Stands 1.75, 2.58, 1.78, or 1.63 meters tall. The aspect of the exposed pedestal is crucial, as the appearance of the fence and the foundation as a whole changes according to the ground elevation.



